Saturday, October 28, 2006


Freiburg is surrounded by the Schwarzwald. Today Beki, Alex, and I decided to go for a hike up to some of the wind turbines in the Schwarzwald hills/mountains. We left a student dorm area around 3:00PM and were hiking by about 3:30PM.

The hike was punctuated by an unknown wild animal that ran across the path, which only I saw. It was medium sized and though we realized we had scared it away, it had also scared us. We continued up the path anyhow. After about an hour and a half or so we reached the top of the Rosskopf and climbed up the Friedrichsturm ( Friedrich's Tower ). Probably not more than 200ft away were several wind turbines. We stood right underneath them. Quite humbling.

We soon turned around, as the sun was quickly setting. They call it The Black Forest for a reason. Not long after sun set it was getting hard to see the signs and our map, but our fear of wild boars propelled us quickly through the woods and caused us to sing "Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!" very loudly in hope of scaring any wildlife away.

Our first sign of civilization was a hotel. We hiked back into town, took the Strassenbahn into the Altstadt ( Old City ) and had dinner.

I walked the rest of the way back home. Several miles of uphill, downhill, and city walking. I'm tired. No pictures at the moment. I still haven't told you about Italy, Pisa, and Assisi, have I? Or my classes and sport club. I'm a bit behind, but it's been a few busy weeks. Til later.


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