Same Old Same Old
Not much up this week. I had a referat, studied, met up with my tandem language partner, and drew a bit.

Mostly self portraits ( how vain ), but it's something for me to do between Botany notes and fretting about my History referat. Drawn with Derwent Artists coloured pencils ( thanks Aunt Katie ) that really haven't gotten much attention until this past week or so, when I managed to spit out three self portraits, all in colored pencil. Colored pencils used to make me really nervous. Coloring anything ( unless it's painting ) makes me nervous. It's always disappointing to have a nice piece of line art and then @* it all up with shoddy coloring and you can only blame yourself. D: So I decided to just dive in this time and come what may!
You all should also definitely check out this music video.
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