Hey Everyone. I'm sorta back. I had major technical difficulties, what with my computer exploding, waiting for a new one, and then not having my Internet connection work!
Anyhow, a lot has happened since my last post, I'm sure. I'm half way, if not more, through my first semester at the University of Freiburg. I'm actually only taking one "true" university course - the others are a grammar course ( Which ended this week ) and two AYF courses ( Art and Arch and History ). IT's been going pretty well. At first the University course was pretty daunting and I thought about dropping it, but my listening skills greatly improved and a few weeks ago I actually spoke ( ! ) in class. During Christmas break I'll be preparing for a Referat in that class.
My Art and Arch class is pretty amazing. I can't just look at churches anymore.
History is my chance to make smart ass comments.
Professor : Wer war Spartacus? ( Who was Spartacus?)
If you can comment with what my answer was ( in English or German ) you get 10 points in my book.
Well, when I have more time I'll try to give you a coherent update. For now, enjoy these pictures.

Halloween. It's a corn dough monster with tomato eyes, lettuce hair, and onion teeth.

Hiking in the Hoellental

Heidelberg Castle

Altogether too much birdwatching

Swedes dancing round the Christmas tree at the IH XMas Fest

And more birdwatching
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