Today we took a local train and a bus up into the Schauinsland, a part of the Black Forest outside of Freiburg. Most of the AYFers showed up and the families of our program co-ordinators as well.
Heute haben wir beim Zug nach das Schauinsland gefahren. Die Meistenheit der AYFeren haben teilgenommen ( und die Familien unseren Programme-Koordinatoren auch ).

My lunch. At least, part of it. Wurst on a piece of bread. Mmm.
Mein Mittagessen. Wurst mit Brot. Lecker.

We took a tour of a house in the Schauinsland. It's over 400 years old and was inhabitted and functioned as a farm until the 1960s. I think the only thing that's new is the roof, which I think they said had been ruined by hail and needed replacing. As someone pointed out, this house is older than the USA. Our tourguide gave us a history of the house and how its architecture differed from others. Everything was under one roof - the animal stalls, the kitchen, the garage ( for lack of a better word ), the workshop, and the bedroom. Smoke was circulated throughout the house not only to warm it, but also to smoke meat and treat the wood with which the house was made.
When the ox, which they had used to haul lumber and do other tasks, died they would eat its meat and then hang its skull in the attic. There it would look over the welfare of the house and the family within. The house, in its 400+ years of existance, has never burned down.

The actual hike was wonderful. I was a bit winded after we reached the top, but in good shape. Lots of lovely trees and rocks that look like they could come alive and then speak very slowly to you.
Der Spaziergang war wunderbar. Danach war ich ein bisschen muede, aber hatte ich eine gut gelaunt. Es gab viele schoene Baeume und Steine, die vielleicht mit Leuten sprechen koennten ~_^

Luckily, the weather was wonderful for us. Only a few clouds in the sky and in the distance. At first it was a bit cool, but once you started walking you hardly noticed.
Gluecklich, das Wetter war schoen. Es gab nur wenige Wolken im Himmel. Anfangs war es ein bisschen kuhl, aber es wurde waermer wenn man den Spaziergang angefangen hatte.

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