
A street corner in Freiburg with a decorated tree.

Besides just being a picture of very cute and fluffy sheep, this photo is proof of a phenomenon that has buried its roots into every part of German society; yes, even the farm animals. It is known among Americans as the "German Stare". You may find yourself sitting on the Strassenbahn ( streetcar ) or at a cafe or walking down the street when you realize that someone is watching you intently. You find the offending gaze and try to stare back for long enough that they avert their eyes. But it's no use. Nothing can top The German Stare. You must continue your life as that of an insect, squirming under the gaze of a giant eye behind a magnifying glass.

I went hiking with some friends /on Christmas day /on Christmas day / we went hiking to the Rosskopf Berg / On Christmas day in the morning. It was extremely foggy and as we approached the peak the trees were covered in hoarfrost. It was like walking through Lothlorien.

Speaking of Lothlorien, we ran into someone walking down the mountain. This man was either
1) Tom Bombadil
2) The Mountain King
3) A very fat elf ( Santa?)
We had stopped to admire a tree when he called out, "Well, keep moving!" At first I thought it might be a Scottish accent, but I wasn't sure. Eventually we all met up and started talking about the fog and hiking on Christmas day. No one could pinpoint his accent. He also had a Nordic walking stick and a sprig of holly. He told us we were loud Americans. But we're really only loud to scare away the wild boars. It was probably just that he's an elf and therefore very sensitive to sound. Anyhow, we wished him a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, he did the same, and we continued hiking. Coming back down the mountain we found the holly bush that he must have taken a berry-laden sprig from.
It was a pretty wonderful hike! I walked for about 5 hours straight that day, so I was pretty hungry for a big Christmas dinner, which we had later that evening.
The End :)
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