Pictures of campus
I don't usually do requests, unless asked to.
So, due to popular demand, here are some photos from the main campus.

This would be the UB or the Universitaets Bibliothek. It's known for its ugliness. It's basically made of popsicle sticks.

Here's the Stadttheater. Okay, it's not really campus, but it's right there.

Kollegiengebaeude (KG) I.

The courtyard between KG I, KG II, and KG III.

KG IV, the College of History building.

KG I with KG IV in the background. Taken from a bridege that goes between the UB and the rest of campus.

Taken from the same bridge.
Well, gotta be off to the library before class starts.
HHAHAHAAHAH - i laughed forever after reading popsickle sticks.
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