I went with my Art and Arch class to Strasbourg to see the Muenster and surrounding architecture of the city.
The Muenster from a distance

The tympanum of the main door.

Not the best picture, since I didn't get all of the tower in ( reminds me of those commercials awhile ago where a little old lady finally gets to go to Paris, has her picture taken in front of the Eiffel Tower, and you can only see the top half of her head in it ). Apparently, if you want to see a "typisch deutsch" city you need to go to neighboring Alsace. Fachwerkhaeuser abound there.

The Freiburg Muenster is heavily influenced by the Strasbourg Muenster. One day I'll go back and take some more photos and do a little comparison. Both have a Romanesque Querhaus or transept whereas the rest is Gothic and are a Church of Our Lady/Unserer Lieben Frau /Notre Dame.
One of these days I'll put on my fanny pack, sunglasses, baseball cap, and ill-fitting shorts and take my camera with me to the Freiburger Muenster. Until then, tschuess. I'm hard at work on my Art and Arch Hausarbeiten.
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