Tuesday, June 26, 2007

JET Programme

This coming September I will be applying to the JET Programme to teach English in Japan for a year, specifically the year after I graduate from MSU. I'll need to make a check list of everything that needs doing, one of them being getting transcripts from AYF, since they'll have exact information about my courses here, as opposed to the MSU transcript, which will probably just write down my equivalencies.

I got a hair cut today and they cut my ear for free. What a deal!

I hate not having a working computer. AGH! Just imagine what's it's going to be like when/if I go to Japan. I'll have to be more prepared for that, I guess ( like, bringing a Windows XP cdrom with me next time ... ).

I spoke briefly with my Gender and Language prof yesterday and tomorrow I'll go to her office hour to speak about my term paper. I got a 3 on the German scale ( 1 is highest, 6 is lowest ), which is like a B or B- ( a 3.0 ) on the American scale. It's pretty much what I expected, since it's really hard to get a 1 even as a native German speaker and because I've never written a linguistics paper before.

Well, it'S off to the library to check out some more books. Eegads. At least they'll be in English.


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